The Strongest Gym in Town.

Pipe Hitter (n.) 1. a great individual, often in the military, law enforcement, and other professions, who willingly go to the darkest corners of the Earth to watch each other's backs and accomplish the mission no matter what; 2. tough, driven, and able to work quickly under extreme pressure.

Who We Are.

We are a veteran-owned and operated garage-style gym, with a heart for our military and their families. We offer 24-hour access to a gym outfitted for all strength sports. Equipped to train anyone interested in power-lifting, bodybuilding, strong-man, and more. We wanted to create a space for anyone to excel in their fitness goals.

We understand that with life in the military, especially if you have small children, training together isn't always an option. We wanted to create a culture and environment where hardworking families and individuals could bring their children to be taken care of while they decompress, lift heavy things, and put them back down.

We believe that getting stronger mentally and physically together saves lives. With an emphasis on honoring our hardworking military members, veterans, first responders and their families we have created a perfect home for the already existing culture of Pipe Hitters here in Camden County.

Meet Our Team

We Care About Families.

Parents, especially those with small children, we understand that training and working out together or on your own is not always an option. We wanted to create a culture and environment where hardworking families and individuals could bring their children to be taken care of while they decompress and lift heavy things.

Contact Us

Get Strong. Together.

We thoroughly believe that getting stronger together saves lives. With an emphasis on honoring our hardworking military members, veterans, first responders and their families we have created a perfect home for the already existing culture of Pipe Hitters here in Camden County.

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